Digital book-keeping

Automated processes save time and increase efficiency: Rabel & Partner offers the following modules as part of digital accounting:

Module 1: Digital Receipt Transfer

Instead of having to physically transport receipts, you can simply send us your receipts digitally. Receipts that you already receive digitally can be easily forwarded to us. You no longer have to print these receipts. You no longer have to staple and punch paper receipts, you just need to scan them.

We can process your digital receipts directly in paperless bookkeeping and save them with the bookings. This allows us to work more efficiently and avoid wasting time later on searching for receipts.

Module 2: Electronic Recording of Bank Files

In addition to digital receipt transfer, it is possible for you to provide us with your bank movements in the form of a separate bank statement file. You will no longer have to scan your bank receipts, only forward them to us. We can process your bank movements electronically and automatically record them.


Module 3: Access authorization to your bank account

As an alternative to Module 2, it is also possible to set up an access authorization for us at your bank. You will no longer have to take care of regularly sending us your bank movements. We can retrieve the bank statements directly and process them in the accounting.

Module 4: Electronic recording of other receipts

In addition to the electronic recording of bank statement files, there are various options to upload other receipts (such as outgoing invoices, credit card statements) via an interface.


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